Literacy Crusaders Promotes Reading and Writing in Underserved Communities
The KCO Literacy Crusaders initiative promotes reading and writing in underserved communities. This partnership with ELOHAI International Publishing & Media partners with education leaders, parents, and community allies to improve literacy rates through a variety of approaches.
Literacy Crusaders provides three main services:
1. We build easy-access libraries providing 24-7 availability to free books in literacy-impoverished communities with high populations of at-risk youth.
2. We provide books to schools, group homes, and other community organizations at home and abroad.
3. Members of our team volunteer to mentor students, read at schools, and speak about literacy at conferences and events.
The National Institute for Literacy estimates that 43% of adults with very low literacy skills live in poverty. The median household income in a Texas community where we recently established a library is $47,453 with a poverty rate of 22.01%, compared to a national household income of $74,580 and poverty rate of 11.5% (in 2022 by Federal standards reported by Improving literacy rates and access to books have a direct correlation to the futures of the children and youth in this and other similar communities (statistics compiled in 2023).
To partner with the KCO Global Literacy Crusaders program, contact us. You may also designate a gift to help us advance literacy in communities that need it.